Terima Kasih :')

March 28th, 2014

I started my day as flat as usual. I knew, it was my birth day and I should be happy. But I was not happy at all. I would not let my mind let the Happiness freely went out from its disgusting jail. Because Happiness was Hope's blood. And Hope already betrayed me so much. I would not let the Happiness stare at Blue Sky, I would not let Hope took any breath and hurt the Blue Sky.

And apparently the Blue Sky let the Happiness found its strength. Then Hope could finally jump out as high as it could, to the sky. To hug the Blue Sky..

I actually didn't expect any surprises at all. But dumbly, Wika could not be a good actress so I actually knew her scenario. After Intro to Ling class, Elva asked me, Wika and to have lunch at Mi Ayam near my house. When we're waiting for the Mi Ayam, suddenly mas Iqbal came, brought a cute cup cake with cow-with-asymmetric-head candy on it and sang Happy Birthday song along with Wika and Elva loudly. I was really surprised! And embarrassed too because all of the Mi Ayam customers looked at me and thought just like : Looked at those unstable boys and girls! Gave their friend a surprise in Mi Ayam aside the highway near the smelly ditch. And oh listen to those out of tune voices! were they trying to kill those pathetic rats inside the ditch?
But, really, thank you so much for the surprises and the birthday presents :) 

After having a hilarious choir near the smelly ditch, I went home and intended to take a nap. But suddenly Gumilang and Ceri came to my house. Ceri refused to come inside because she said she was waiting for her friend. I absolutely understood her "non-human" way of thought, so I decided not to asked her specifically. While I was talking  to Gumilang, my grandma was at the terrace at that time, suddenly I saw her asking to herself with looking at "something" under the window, "what are you doing? why are you walking like that? are you looking for something fallen? hey what's that? it's burning so much!" Then I saw Ceri bobbed up from the back of the window, stood up in front of me, bringing a cake with too much candles on it and with non-human face she said, "Mi happy birthday yo hehe." I and Gumilang laughed so hard at that time.
But, really, thank you so much for the silly surprise :')

Another sweet thing came up on the next day. I was in the 8 Oz Coffee Studio doing an interview with the coffee studio owner for the KWU assignment with Amin, Wika and Briza. While waiting for the owner, Amin suddenly stood up and walked to the coffee bar (it was behind me). A minute later I saw Wika screamed hysterically and clap her hands like an idiot, like there was a striptease dancer suddenly appeared from the coffee machine on the coffee bar. Then I saw Amin came with a plate of delicious bagel with an everlasting candle on it. I was speechless. Wika was still doing those idiot things. Briza did nothing but smiled idiotly too. He then gave me a sweet notebook as my birthday present. Sweet, wasn't he :')

The last surprise came today, when I was in my Discourse Analysis class. Ana and Risa -my most craziest best friends ever- suddenly gave me a birthday present, in a sweet blue paper bag which consisted of most sexiest blue pajama ever and three pieces of private things :D Thank you so much! :)
* there were two letter in the paper bag, one erotic letter from Ana and one touchy letter from Risa, thank you! :* *

I also got many happy birthday texts, mentions in Twitter and posts on Facebook. Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for letting me now there's no such a pathetic reason for me to be sad and down anymore. Thank you so much for all of your sacrifices in order to show me that I am not alone.

Thank you so much to my new friends, Mazhar Hussain and -especially- mein dearest Lehrer, for their amazing kindnesses and for keep showing me that I deserve better. धन्यवाद and danke schon :)

Thank you God, for helping me finding a warm hut in this worst stone storm :)


  1. You deserve all of those surprises, Sasmiii!! I wish I could involve with Wika, Amin, or Briza silly acts that I thought it would be really fun :D Bless your soul, Sas! God speed!

  2. Happy birthday sasmi, I totally agree with dhian anyway.. you are the most silence girl who has thousands expression I ever known! <3

  3. so amazing,,,but im really sad couldnt say happy b'day to you directly,,,,
    happy b'day cusmih...hiksss

  4. Dhian: Thank youuu Dhian! :) Oh please don't join them unless you are too frustrated to be alive and you want to break your amazing image :D
    Mbak Fatimah: silence doesn't always mean unable to produce any outstanding things :D
    Ruru: I am pretty sure those surprises would be sillier if you were here :D
