This exercise is aimed for fifth grade of elementary school students.
This exercise contains several materials such as; time, family and part of body.
To work on the exercise, please kindly click the link below (it is automatically downloaded):
This chained-story exercise is aimed for second grade of Senior High School students.
To work on the exercise, please kindly click the link below (it is automatically downloaded):
Will Jane be Lucky?
Target: non-native of 3rd grade Junior High School students
  1. Students are able to comprehend the problems given in the questions
  2. To review students’ vocabulary of profession or occupation
  3. To find out students’ comprehension and progress in simple present, present progressive, simple past and future tense
  1. You are going to visit your friend at the hospital but you get lost. Whom should you ask to?
a. Accountant
c. Dentist
b. Teacher
d. Policeman

  1. Your sister suddenly wakes up and cries in the middle of her sleep. She says her tooth is very pain. Where should she go?
c. Chef
b. Lawyer
d. Carpenter

  1. Your mom found a cute puppy in front of the house. But it cannot walk properly because its front leg is broken. Where should you bring it to?
a. Driver
c. Fireman
b. Vet
d. Fruit seller

  1. Your father and you are having dinner at the restaurant. You and he want to order some food and drinks. A well-dressed man comes with a book menu on his hand after your father raises his hand. Who is he?
a. Singer
c. Food attendance
b. Dancer
d. Painter

  1. How do you call someone who drives on airplane?
a. Pilot
c. Poet
b. Writer
d. Athlete

Several parts of Verses in a very nice German song I do want to show you:

Sind wir Freunde oder sind wir mehr. 
Ich ertrinke in dir. 
Ich veränder den Regen, ich teil das Meer. 
Nur gib mir ein Zeichen, weil ich mich verlier.
Ich such in deinen Augen, ist da noch mehr. 
Du zeigst mir nichts und das viel zu sehr. 
Ich steh neben mir und die Zeit sie fliegt. 
Sind wir Freunde  
Sind wir mehr 
Ich veränder den Regen 
So gib mir ein Zeichen, weil ich mich verlier. 
Weil ich dich Verlier.
(Song by: 3A-Sind Wir Freunde) 

Was Passiert? Wo bist du? Was machst du? 
Du schreibst mich nicht seit einem Monat Emails...
Aber mach dir keine Sorge. Ich warte nur auf dich :)
A simple quote taken from a novel (but I forget its title and writer, I am so sorry hehe)

"Engkaulah kilatan cahaya yang menyapulenyapkan segala jejak dan bayang. Engkaulah bentangan sinar yang menjembatani jurang antar duka mencinta dan bahagia terdera. Engkaulah terang yang kudekap dalam gelap saat Bumi bersiap diri untuk selamanya lelap.
What would I do without your smart mouth
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down

What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright
My head's underwater
But I'm breathing fine

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you
Yet these hopes are just mine, not yours

How many times do I have to tell you
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too
The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood
You're my downfall, you're my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can't stop singing, it's ringing in my head for you

My head's underwater
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections

Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts
I'm risking it all though it's hard
Yet you turn your cards back to its box 
once Past passionately kisses you 

I'm still here at the same table, showing my cards, to your reflection.

你应该明白它是如何痛苦,还是要用那曾经伤害你这么多刀。你应该明白我的心脏怎么疼是。所以,请不要走。 (可能是语法不正确,但要感谢谷歌翻译)
Um 20.05 Uhr
29 minuten 44 sekunden

Thank you for artistically sculpturing the cute Schmerz on sein Schmerz :)

*FunFact: Ich war siebzehn minuten freezed (weil konnte ich meinen Körper nicht bewegen) after habe ich dein physical mail gelesen. Paralyzed. Siebzig minuten! Es war toll! Ich hoffe this scary thing will never happen to you. Amen.

Exaggeration amazingly splashes out,
when Too Comfortable starts dancing in the night 
when the dazzling Blue Moon sits passionately on the smooth sky
Cuddling each other, feel the touch harder

Control runs, wrecks its own Velvet Silk to devour the deep blue sea 
when the wind deliberately embraces the sand on the seashore

Thought should not stay too long. 

The Troops of Ticking Clock have to drag her back to the back side of the mountain
Then she could breathe the smell of the Mind and let the Stream stares at her when she wakes up in the morning.

March 28th, 2014

I started my day as flat as usual. I knew, it was my birth day and I should be happy. But I was not happy at all. I would not let my mind let the Happiness freely went out from its disgusting jail. Because Happiness was Hope's blood. And Hope already betrayed me so much. I would not let the Happiness stare at Blue Sky, I would not let Hope took any breath and hurt the Blue Sky.
Pernah nggak sih kalian ngerasa kalau sebenernya rel kereta itu benda yang paling sedih di dunia ini?

Tiap detik, tiap menit, tiap jam, tiap hari, tiap minggu, tiap bulan, tiap tahun, pagi, siang, malam, setiap waktu..harus selalu bersedia jadi kacungnya gerbong kereta.
23 Januari 2014 jam 9 pagi, mengiyakan ajakan Ruru untuk mengemis wifi di kampus. *walaupun akhirnya sampe di kampus jam 10 lebih karena harus mengemban tugas negara terlebih dahulu*

Mengiyakan karena bingung di rumah mau ngapain, mengiyakan karena memang butuh banget sambungan internet buat ngecek nilai di SIAM, mengiyakan karena...Ruru nggak bakal jadi partner hedon tertangguhku lagi dalam beberapa hari kedepan.

Hem, sebenernya bukan ini yang pengen aku post tapi well, tangan udah gatel banget buat cepet-cepet ngetik dan nyeritain suatu hal ke kalian. Suatu hal yang seharusnya private tapi karena aku mangkel jadi meskipun ini HARUSNYA jadi sesuatu yang private tapi aku pikir sesuatu yang private ini cukup layak untuk jadi sesuatu hal yang #DuniaHarusTauBrooo! *kamu capek bacanya, I know*

Pertengahan Juni 2013. Sangat tertanam kuat di hati dan pikiran, Rapat Besar Perdana ESC 2013. Bisa kalian bayangkan, seorang aku, dipilih jadi ketua pelaksana lomba sebesar dan seberat itu. Lomba debat, speech, dan stortel bahasa Inggris SMA/Univ se-Jawa Timur dan Bali. Bayangkan, AKU JADI KAPELNYA. Bayangkan, SE-JATIM DAN BALI. Bayangkan! Sedih kan?